Dad Jokes

June 13, 2022

This month we remember our dads and grandads. We love each of the dads in Discovery Mountain. We even love their dad jokes! 

Dad Jokes

By: Jean Boonstra

This month we remember our dads and grandads. We love each of the dads in Discovery Mountain. We even love their dad jokes! 

Umi: Dad, I’m hungry. 

Ken: Hi hungry. I’m Dad. 


Peabody: I sold our vacuum. 

Harold: Why, Dad? 

Peabody: It was gathering dust. 


Chaplain Simon: Why did Beethoven dislike his neighbor’s chickens? 

Natasha: They were too noisy? 

Chaplain Simon: No. All they could say was “Bach. Bach. Bach.” 


Ken: What do you call a bear with no teeth? 

Umi: What? 

Ken: A gummy bear. 


Officer Lewis: What did the drummer name his twin daughters? 

Logan: What? 

Officer Lewis: Anna one, Anna two. 


Natasha: Grandad are you daydreaming? 

Mr. Simon: Oh I was just thinking about the lovely herb garden we had last summer. 

Natasha: Oh?

Mr. Simon: Yes. Good thymes. 


Logan: Dad, aren’t you working today? 

Officer Lewis: Yes. I’m working right now. 

Logan: But, how? You’re still in bed. 

Officer Lewis: I’m working undercover. 


Ken: Why do pumpkins sit on porches? 

Umi: Why? 

Ken: They don’t have any hands to knock on the door. 
